Nice Men Club
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Welcome to the Nice Men Club. A group for men who put value on kindness and who believe being pleasant is good for its own sake. The only entry requirement is that you must be nice, or want to be nice (but might not be there yet).
Have a look at the rules and see how they sound to you.
Beyond that, it remains to be seen what the club will actually do. Meet-ups? Events? Pay-it-forward style objectives? Discounts for Nice Men?
Any ideas welcome.
Group Rules
1. Be Polite
Say please, thank you, smile, and say hello to people. It costs nothing and might make someone's day. Even to someone you aren't fond of - it's better to smile, than be the one who didn't smile back
2. Act With Integrity
Integrity is how you act when you think no one is watching. Nice men act with integrity always.
3. Everyone has the benefit of the doubt
Regardless of what you may have heard about them, or how they have behaved in the past, everyone gets the benefit of the doubt at least once. But fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice...
4. Tell The Truth
You'll have less to remember and if you’ve acted with integrity you’ll have nothing to lie about anyway.
5. Apologise
Admit when you are at fault, apologise to people you have wronged. Nice Men admit their mistakes and grow from them.
6. Mind Your Own Business
“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” - Henry Thomas Buckle Mind your own and don't gossip. You'll never look anything but petty.
7. Nice Men Don’t Hold Grudges
Nor do they act vengefully or out of spite. If the high ground is vacant, occupy it. By acting vengefully everyone is at risk of getting hurt. Nice Men don’t do that.
8. Occupy The High Ground
If the high ground is vacant, take it. If you have it, keep it. And remember there is room for more than one up there. Bring people with you.
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June 8, 2021
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